Monday, July 28, 2008

This old tin can

Here is something I enjoy doing in my spare time. No it is not making litter but photography.

I love taking pictures and not the "okay, everyone line up for a photo", I like to capture people in the natural state, being themselves.

I also love taking pictures of nature.

See ya in a litte while.

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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Welcome and Hello!

Welcome and Hello friends, family and new friends I have yet to meet. I am Tixx (not real name) and I live in Utah in a not so small town now called Layton. Many people do not know of this town but do know of the air force base that is in my by yard, Hill Air Force Base.

I have lived here all my life. I have tried to leave Layton and Utah several times but there has always been something that has kept me here for some reason, so I just decided that this is where I am suppose to be at. I do travel and have seen much of the United States but never left the US. A friend of mine lives in the UK and travels extensively; he sends me pictures of the places he has been so you could say I travel vicariously through him. Which is okay for now.

Layton use to be and still is to an small extent, a farming community. Where there is a shopping complex and fast food restaurant now was a field I use to play in as child. It has cows, some junk cars and a silo pit (corn and other mixture that was really smelly). There was a pond with fish in it and lots of land for kids to play make believe on. We would spend hours down there; my brother use to be able to have camp out there but I was never invited, "NO GIRLS ALLOWED". But when they need and extra person for a shoot out or something guess who they came to ask?

I am a computer geek by mistake and not on purpose. I always wanted to be a suit working in a sky scraper and living is a fancy apartment. After working is "the big city" (no sky scraper) and having to dress up and working with "suits" I found it was not really what I wanted and changed the course of my life.

Now I work in the computer field for a fast growing private company and I the manager of the IT department. Yes there are suits here but they are not the same kind of suits as the big city. I work in a small town only 10 minutes from my home.

Sometimes money is not everything in this world. If you are not happy at what you do but you make lots of money and can buy all kinds of things, go to all kinds of places but when it comes time to go to work and while at work, you are not happy, what kind of life is that.

I wake up each morning and like to go to work (most of the time I'll be honest), but when I go home at night I can see with a clear conscience knowing I did not have to do anything underhanded or scrupulous today. The people I work with (well most of them) have the same attitude, morals and values that I have which REALLY makes a difference.

I am married and have three beautiful daughters and two grandchildren (one girl and one boy). I am going on 18 years of marriage so we are a blended family. It was and is really hard to do this but we have done pretty well I think. You would really have to talk to the kids to see if we pulled it off or not. Some say I am not old enough to have grandchildren but I just smile and say "I never thought there was an age requirement to be a grandmother?" The pretty much shuts them up.

My husband has been retired due to an accident at work since 1993. Which was good timing in a way. He became a stay at home Dad when the girls really needed that parent to be home with them. He has been a wonderful father to my two daughters and to the day when they need someone they call him because "Dad knows everything there is to know about anything".

My grand kids, Skeekers and My Big Boy, are currently 3 years and and 8 months. They are my world; when they walk into the room, all my troubles of the day just fly off me. Skeekers has a hard time sharing her "Diee" with little brother but she is getting better because she knows that I will always be her Diee not matter what. Now with little brother can walk and talk that will be another bridge to cross but for now I read to her, play barbies and makeup with her and this is something her brother cannot do. Oh and she gets to have sleepovers at Diee's too.

Well that gives you a glimpses at who Tixx is. I hope it did not bore you and please don't pick a part the grammar. Us computer geeks don't care about stuff like that. We care that the computer work and fast it can go!

Good bye for now.